Collaborative Corner

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Child Find

As a parent of a child with exceptional needs, one of the most difficult decisions that we are faced with is the proper learning environment. Our search generally begins as early as 2-3 years old. More often than not, our children bounce from one school to another and we (the parents) are left wondering – “Is this really the best education and environment that I can offer my child?”

There are many technicalities to consider when entering the school (and even daycare) system. Will the school accommodate my child’s behavioral needs? Does the school offer Speech and Occupational therapy? Does the school have ESE classrooms? Should my child be in an ESE classroom? What IS an ESE classroom?

These questions, along with the list of individual accommodations that are needed to support our children in order to give them the same opportunity to participate in activities and events as their able-bodied counterparts becomes more of challenge each year.

Child Find is part of the federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This law protects the rights of students with disabilities. Child Find is a legal requirement that schools find all children who have disabilities and who may be entitled to special education services.

To lean more about Child Find, click here and visit

Searching for a specific educational environment within the United States?

Visit Child Care Aware and search by State, City or Zip Code.

Searching for a specific educational environment within the state of Florida?

Visit FDLRS (Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System)

Jessica Barisano
Founder, Collaborative Corner for Exceptional Children

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