Let's Talk Reading


Perhaps one of the concerns we have during this time is, “Will my child fall behind in their reading skills?” As a reading teacher, the simple answer is “no!”

While your children may have virtual assignments in reading, there are simple ways to extend their reading exposure outside of assignments. The key being, make reading their choice!

Here are some tips to expand their reading horizons!

What Should My Child Read?

  • Anything that interests them! No matter the age, if kids can read about what interests them, they will naturally want to explore it.

When Should My Child Read?

  • No one knows your child better than you! Choose a time that works for them, but encourage it to happen daily!

How Long Should They Be Doing Extra Reading?

  • It can be multiple times per day for short periods or longer periods if they are capable and it is something they enjoy doing!

What Follow up Can I Do With My Child?

  • Depending on age, it can be as simple as asking them simple questions about what they read.

    • What was your favorite part?

    • Who is your favorite character? What happens next?

    • How would you change the story?

What’s the Best Way to Spark Their Interest in Reading?

  • Lead by example! If our children see us reading (both for work and pleasure,) they will follow by example.

  • If they are independent readers, read something of your own alongside them. At times, have them read to you, and then you can read to them.

  • If they are younger, use picture books and have them “tell” you the story of the picture book, or read them a short story and have them “illustrate” the story as a picture, or series of pictures.

  • If you are working with young readers, read a book aloud to them that is a bit above their reading level.

Remember, let them choose the topics and things that interest them! They have enough assignments and topics given to them through formal schooling!

We are here to support you in this Distant Learning adventure! Please feel free to contact at abartek@collaborativecorner.org or find us on our website at www.collaborativecorner.org

Amy Bartek, BSBA
Special Education Advocate